
Good thing that white privilege kicked in....waaaaiiit a minute...


To be fair, wtf kind of name is Beyonce?

Well your bakery analogy is wrong, since it’s a private business. The government doesn’t need to involve itself in those, the market decides. If I’m a baker and I don’t make cakes for gays or blacks or midgets or whatever, word will get out and I would be out of a job. I would be exercising my right, and I would be

Why the fuck are you asking here? The author is a blogger, not some underwear engineer. Wipe some baby powder on your saggy tits and shut the fuck up.

Yea. Her point is that black people deserve “extra” consideration based on color, not by merit. Loud and clear.

Yea, lets give out awards based on diversity instead of who they’re competing against. Sounds fair.

It’s the same feeling that knowing when you died your mom would look at your browser history.

Let it go. It wasn’t that great to begin with, and the latest one was awful

We’re all responsible for our actions. She acted like a typical ‘white people are bad’ shithead. Whether or not she was baited isnt the point, her actions speak for themselves.


So you fixed it in a few hours, and yet he’s spent all this money getting it looked at? Sounds like he needs a better mechanic.

You’re right. I stopped after your second sentence, where you showed yourself to be an asshole not open to discussion, and generalizing.

“As much as Tucker Carlson is a mealy-mouthed shitweasel racist apologist, and FauxNews a mouthpiece for fascists, the professor’s firing was not a free speech issue.”

You’re the

I figured, I was being sarcastic...

The Right isn’t the one thinking that they can say what they want and then get a lawyer because they got fired.

He didn’t set her up to fail. She started talking, that was enough. She could have had an actual debate, but she turned into a confrontational twat waffle, and got what she deserved.

Sounds like an interesting topic, since its outlawed everywhere. I bet if anyone ever cared to invite you to a party, you’d be a blast.

The left generally doesn’t understand the Constitution.

That’s a lot of words for being wrong. She was terminated because as an employee of the university, they felt she was a liability and would reflect poorly on them as a whole. Make the same comments and tag your employer, the same thing will happen, regardless of race.

That’s what you get with the left. They don’t understand that free speech isnt the same as free from consequences. She probably should have designated the interview as a ‘safe space’, and the magical warding would have protected her.