
Even Kala has technically helped kill people with her kitchen bomb. The only kill it showed as brutal was Wolfgang killing his uncle because he wasn't an immediate threat at that point. (Him living would've been dangerous for Wolfgang though). Or possibly him killing his cousin running away with the rocket launcher. I

I think only Wolfgang and Capheus actually had advice on dealing with her brother. Lito even ended the discussion with: "whatever you decide you won't have to do it alone". The scene made it her decision, and didn't really come down either way. The body-count in this show is too high for it to be too preachy on the

I think the most compelling aspect of Kala's dilemma is that she isn't actually caught in a battle of cultures as is so stereotypical. This isn't an arranged marriage with someone else she loves instead. It is supposed to be a love marriage, but with her culture and sense of duty she ends up in something that feels

Similar to having Will just shrug off heroin, I think E-Death was their way of saying 'look we really need these characters to stop being stuck in hiding because it's going to get dull'.

Do they really serve the same purpose though? Mun not having had sex with her changes the obsession from weird ex stalker, to adorable admiration fanboy.


That misunderstanding really does greatly alter the tone of the scenes. It's also weird how obsessed Rowan is with characters and plots seeming like stereotypes, while missing important details that are establishing them beyond that. I don't think anyone thinks the weird pervy Australian ends up being a stereotype,

I agree, I was confused by the reviewer making that assumption she is naive. If anything she seems to have a quiet maturity toward her views of sex.

The AVC reviewer got it wrong too, how is the EW recap any more infallible?

If you're looking for that scene, it's part of the inter-season new-year episode not S1. It's also not the detective. Rando-fighter wishes he was as hot as detective tight pants.

She was identified as a sensate by the BPO because she was taken to the hospital and scanned. I think they use local police and FBI in the same way we saw them hunting Jonas at the beginning of season 1, they say "this person is a dangerous terrorist, help us find them".

Well. He is incredibly hot. Seeing him at the door I also said "He's way too hot to just be here for this scene right?" Thankfully that was true.

This might be reading too far, but I feel like she found them so perfect because it was not only an excuse to get away from her abusive ex, but a way to avoid a sexual relationship with a man at all. I think she has emotional scars from what was done to her, and she's happier and feels safer being the third wheel in

I can see how someone could read both characters as LGBT cheerleaders, there to tell the audience how hot they should find these two relationships. I don't personally see it that way, but I can understand where you'd be coming from. I think the show is just so overwhelmingly sex positive in a way that rarely exists in

Bug and Daniela's actors so frequently bring this exuberant unnecessary joy to small moments, I found it hard to not like them. Even if on paper Daniela should be the worst, I couldn't stay mad at her. Also given how this season played out by their society's standards she was far more accepting than most would've

Neither seemed brave or selfless enough to do what Kick-ass Grandma did. They were also much younger so were more likely to get out at some point in their lives. It felt very in character for them to stay. Especially considering their stories last seasons.

The word "real" used as an adjective is an immediate indicator to brace yourself for some amazing opinions.

The show moves slowly enough it re-establishes most small details you might've forgotten. The girl is in fact dead, she was killed by Whispers, and Will was obsessed with finding her after encountering her psychically as a child. His father did not approve of Will's obsession with the girl. That's really all we know

Hopefully this review isn't indicative of the future reviews of this author. It spent so long talking broadly and generally in a sort of faux media-professor way, that it didn't really talk much about the episode in question. Which was a pretty great episode on its own merits, and plenty more specifics that could've

I feel like sense8 might be too pure to ever kill one of its main characters. If I really think about it, I'm not sure that bothers me. Too many shows post GoT pile on the character-death to raise stakes bandwagon, that they forget the stakes can be high just by making you really care about the characters. They don't