
Don’t forget “greedy” devs as well! Good lord “gamers” are such morons these days... even more so than usual.

It’s so sad that an article like this has to be filled with so many “This isn’t laziness” qualifications, because gamer culture has devolved so badly into a state of “UGH LAZY GAME DEVS” idiocy in the last decade or so.

Thank you for your gatekeeping service in reminding us what a “real” rhythm game is, and isn’t.

You actually hit the nail on the head as to WHY they can’t delay the games though. It’s too big, there’s too much riding on these games coming out on time. Anime, card games, merch, movies, etc.

Now playing

Yesterday evening, fans enjoyed seeing her in the spotlight. Some are now drawing art of Nakamura and meme-ing about how “adorable” she is and how she should be “protected at all costs.” While much of the praise she’s received seems rooted in genuine admiration, some have argued that more extreme variations on these

But actually it is, though.  

load times actually mater. A lot of game design currently is working around loading zones and texture pop in.  Eliminating that is actually quite interesting from a dev standpoint, and changes how levels and textures are designed. 

In the Pokemon Rumble series, you’re fighting with toys. Toys don’t need berries or candy. Gears makes more sense than any established method from games where pokemon are living creatures.

In the Rumble spin-off games, the Pokemon are all mechanical toys- they even start each battle with a key winding them up. So gears actually do make more sense here.

I don’t think the question was “Have you ever heard of Mr. Mime?”, but instead “Is it a primate? Are its shoulders dodgeballs? Did it exist before actual French mimes, or is it imitating them?”

“When he opens his mouth it’s a vacuous hole: There’s little room for a brain or anything else.”

Yes, that was already clear in your initial question, followed by the answer to your question, quoting text from the article that you’re commenting on

Moments later, Smith pulled out a Totodile plushie. It’s his favorite—though, he added, Gengar and Snorlax were close runners-up.

Honestly I was in the DeVito camp for a while along with everyone else, but as soon as I saw the great lengths Ryan Reynolds went to promote the heck out of this movie I was sold. The dude looks like he put almost as much energy into this as he did Deadpool. I’m not saying DeVito wouldn’t have but he definitely would

I saw it last night with my wife, who’s only mildly interested Pokemon as a result of me never shutting up about it. We had very different expectations going in, but came out with the same opinion—

I think maybe that was a misunderstanding. Bulbasaur isn’t genderless, but the Pokemon games and animes do usually say “it” instead of gendered pronouns when dealing with Pokemon, especially wild ones. Gendered pronouns are really rarely used for whatever reason when dealing with Pokemon, even on Pokemon that are

I assume the meaning is that if it’s a wild Bulbasaur, you don’t know its gender. It’s a wild animal. But when you have a known trainer who has her own Psyduck, she can tell you that this specific Psyduck is a male. It’s like when referring to a dog you see being walked, you can say “he” or “she” is very cute but if

This was a wild ass ride this morning reading this, like I watched a few of his videos but was never attached.

You are coming off as very jealous. Oh and very unstable, but that’s less funny.

Today should not be Goku day.