I think it’s nice to not have to mention it. Granted, it is nice to see, but I don’t think a game deserves more praise by putting someone of color as the main protagonist.
I think it’s nice to not have to mention it. Granted, it is nice to see, but I don’t think a game deserves more praise by putting someone of color as the main protagonist.
GG hardly was a thing to begin with. It was only some people (falsely) claiming to be attacked by some people, all to boost their popularity.
Yes well, youre not the protagonist of the game, are you. Making Geralt gay/bi would be disrespectable to the lore in the same way as if they’d make a canonically gay character straight.
Or the Herbalist, I should mod that shiet.
For the past few days, I’ve done very little but play Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, a new video game made by…
Idk, she looks like a wrestler, and in any sort of american or mexican wrestling I’ve seen, they’ve typically had an outfit like that. It’s flashy, it draws attention, and I’m sure straight men and not-straight women and those in the middle find it attractive in some way.
Man the trailer looks fun as hell but I can already see some certain people getting outraged by her outfit. I am all for wacky characters like her.
Well, kudos to them for going all in into their madness...
It’s a tragic symbol of the inexorable march of time. Their usefulness is measured by the joy they give us, but those days are gone now, so they must tragically end their lives, their usefulness at an end.
it’s ok to just let people enjoy things without taking shots at them. give it a try.
You’re not gonna believe this, but I’m playing on PS4.
I’m afraid it’s going to be 8 days
The funnest thing about being a writer is making fun of something and everybody assuming I’m the thing I’m making fun of because of it.
The game I’m talking about has boobs, though no volleyball. It does, however, has a particular set of features, refined over years of experience by it’s developer, that I don’t want to talk about here. ;)
You have to admit...it is kinda clever.
I wonder how this will hold against a ... different beach themed game coming out next month.
Secretly I hoped it was the panties she forgot. Well then... I’ll see myself out.
Don’t be daft. The DLC is the soundtrack for the game.
Game ships with lots of bugs - “they rushed it to market before it was ready, lololol I guess we players are the beta testers”
That's... what she said...?