
And yet a necessity for much of the white collar world.

People do it everyday sitting in cubicles working 9-5.

Mad Catz was one of the PC accessory makers with a large and loyal fanbase, though. There’s multiple people in these comments praising their mice, and they were also one of the top fight stick makers. Most people who dislike Mad Catz are just talking about their cheap third party controllers from 20 years ago.

It’s a small tribute the development team put in there. If they want to take it out it’s their choice. Just the fact they even put it in was a nice gesture. Calm yourself

Sure blame Nintendo for what a hacker illegally do, ruin the surprise.

Nintendo make a nice surprise for Iwata and fans but hackers ruin the surprise.

I don’t understand why people are impatient for a new video game release.Advance wars last game was on DS. You act like it, its mother 3. You remember when Star Fox Came back.

Given Kotaku’s abundance of typos and generally slipshod proofreading, are you sure you want to take this particular approach?

He’s right though. Your articles invariably come off as self-important and arrogant. Same with the aggressive I’m-trying-hard-to-be-funny videos you make.

I don’t disagree with your opinion. I could never really get into Okami either. It’s just your presentation is very aggressive and cringey.

As an early believer, I’ll just say this: please Nintendo, don’t f*ck up. :P

Am I the only one who considers monster hunters (and the likes) core gameplay system unintuitive, illogical, and, frankly, silly?

I own a Vita, loved it. But I do say, get a Switch. Unless the main attraction of the Vita was softcore porn games, the Switch will take every other genre the Vita strives in.

My vita has been flat for years, it’s probably never going to get charged again. Waste of money that was.

Microsoft looked at the mobile market and said, “Fuck that, smartphones.” Then they FAILED MASSIVELY against Android and iOS.

The US dollar is ultimately backed by faith in the greatest military power ever to exist on the face of the earth. The Bitcoin is backed by Casper the Friendly Ghost.

I think (s)he means settings / DEVICE maintenance / fix all. It usually doesn’t really do much to be honest. A clean install did wonders for my S7. I’m now on my S8+. Love it, wish I could get oreo beta on AT&T.

I had to get a new phone after my Nexus 6P started giving way after 30% battery life. Got a S8+, I was surprised how much I enjoy the phone. Yes bloatware, but its not really intrusive, beside that stupid bixby button and weird fingerprint scanner placement as right handed person. But Ijust remap the button to google

When was the last time you did system maintenance? Go into your settings and then go to Device Maintenance. Basically, just go through the functions.

My Galaxy S6 still runs great, no slowdowns that I notice.

When’s the last time you factory reset it? I’ve brought much older devices than that up to usable speeds simply by wiping them and setting up fresh. It’s sort of an inevitability that devices need that periodically.