
The dota fans are really mad at ESL for making their events Facebook-exclusive. The FB video player is actually so shit.

Dragon Ball Ultra. Calling it now.

It’s not ending, that’s what the announcement said. They are working on a movie to be released in December.

Ah, the typical “type first, find out after” type of guy. Hur.

Schmedly27 knows it.

Gosh, look at the people who are going “NOTT MY COREE GAM EXPERIUNCEEE *Weahhhh*”

You’re right, Nintendo is targeting it at kids.

The levels don’t really matter. As long as the player is close to the enemies’ level, everything is fine. I played on the hardest difficulty, and the enemies still die in like 4 to 5 hits.

Hey, you know what? I completed every single thing there is in Assassin’s Creed Origins. Every single icon on the map is gold. Game doesn’t even give me an achievement.

Thought I read an article which stated that some tenders for advanced facial recognition cameras ended up with the Chinese being the clear favourites to win since their product was much better.

Didn’t people claim that Samsung is putting its “flexible phone” into production at the end of this year? Would be interesting to see where that goes.

What now, Barriss?

This looks like the usual Gundam games, but with different skins.

That’s not exactly right. People have the right to express how they feel about different subjects, and in this case, people are clearly upset. YouTube, being a company that is sensitive to PR issues, has taken actions to distance itself from Logan Paul.

Last year, GDQ chat banned an emote depicting a bearded lady that chat would spam anytime a transgender individual was on stream.

Something tells me that a guy who calls someone a “douchebag”, proceeds to rail about it, then appear fully convinced that he is in the right is not a very...nice person to have around either.

Wait, America can spend trillions bombing the Middle East, but not $80 billion on its own network infrastructure?

So essentially, people are using electricity to generate fake money that is then primarily used in speculative trading and illegal transactions? Hmm, definitely see the value there. /s

They don’t, but the players in Philippines shot themselves in the foot by lobbying for formal recognition of the game as a sport. The Filipino players were issued licenses for that very reason (which they hoped could help them secure visa to other countries to compete).

Marijuana doesn’t kill people, and I agree that Philippines’ current policies on drugs is sort of crazy, but on the other hand, I do respect the countries’ right to govern their own societies. If some countries do not find it okay to legalise marijuana (Hey, we’re only just beginning to see the legalisation in the