
Shirt is not pink, Fahey.


You’ll come to understand eventually.

In the year 2077, a group of cybernetic-enhanced humans hacked into the system of CIG. They stole a half-finished copy of the game Star Citizen and distributed it online. A CIG spokesperson commented that the police has been alerted of the incident. Investigations are on-going. He also mentioned that such a

I don’t really get the Trial of the Gods thing. Can you do them at lower levels? Most advice on the net seem to say “Max out your equipment before attempting”. Do I have to be in the end-game or what?

How long does it usually take for the updated version of a Nintendo console to come out? I know that home consoles don’t get new versions, but handhelds such as the DS and 3DS got many different updates.

This post doesn’t provide the most important information - The PC release date.

Equally important was that the nanospikes were too small to affect mouse cells placed on the steel, likely meaning the material could be used safely to coat devices that need constant contact with human cells, like surgical implants.

Want to make money from selling premium services (to corporations)? Sure, the net doesn’t have to be neutral, as long as laws or regulations are written to guarantee a reasonable or satisfactory level of service to all users at the minimum.

Overlord for sure.

You mean the one that’s been buried in the ground for several years already. Don’t tell me about how well it does in Japan. I don’t live in Japan.

Vita should just die off already. Let the good portable games get onto the Switch, so we can all play them without investing in a near-dead platform. Nintendo has already showed the world that they can push portable sales by having strong first party titles (such as Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Metroid etc). No matter how

I think she mentioned in a few of her videos that the stuff she eats simply comes right out without her body absorbing much. Yes, she probably goes to the toilet a lot.

Which is why bitcoin is not a viable currency. It can’t pay for stuff efficiently. It has now become a form of speculative investment. There are other blockchain technologies which are more suited for transactions. Bitcoin isn’t it. It’s quite dated, actually.

I wonder if deaths is the only possible outcome. Say, for example, the US, China, and a number of other countries are staring NK down the barrel, would Kim agree to turn himself in in exchange for a comfortable life?

Cryptocurrency exchanges, and those that offer withdrawal of money (cashing out) require bank accounts. The appeal of a cryptocurrency which cannot be turned into other forms of cash easily is a lot weaker. Look at the people who like to boast that “I can exchange it for fiat anytime I want”.

And that would allow everyone to avoid taxes. It would mean that the US would run out of budget. You really think that the feds would allow that?

It is possible to ban cryptos. You restrict/close down the bank accounts of these people.

You are right, but real world money is backed by states, and states have a lot of influence, power, and properties. These things translate into value. People keep lending money to the US because they are convinced that it would not tank. The same cannot be said of a cryptocurrency.

But it is fake money, and it’s not accepted by a vast majority of businesses. Bitcoin is like you exchanging $50 for my booger, you then convince another guy that the booger is worth $50, and he goes on to pay you for it. Somehow, the booger transactions can be verified and is anonymous, but so what? Thing is, the