While this write-up is surely helpful, I’m pretty sure the official Apple iPhone7 manual will basically state their official stance on compatibility:
While this write-up is surely helpful, I’m pretty sure the official Apple iPhone7 manual will basically state their official stance on compatibility:
Elon Musk is actually my favorite billionaire- the projects and industries he is in are very forward thinking- he wants to get us off fossil fuels, he seeks to push space exploration.... He could’ve retired and just become an angel investor after PayPal, but he decided to throw all of his fortune into trying to…
So they make my salary in like 10 seconds. I’m gonna go back to work now.
I have a comment likely to get lost in the greys, so I figured I’d post it here:
Go home, hug her, find your smile, and all is right in heaven.
Mayans must have miscalculated the end of the world by 4 years cause 2016 sucks.
Yeah but with the silence of the Tesla you can now hear the Ferrari owner crying as you pull away from him . . .
$250 and non-motorized? Does not compute. If it’s just two swing arms on a pivot, I can probably build one offering the same function with a trip to home depot and less than $40. This thing is bait for the hipster who’s never turned a screwdriver in his life.
All you should know (if you DID care about spoilers) is that she has a sad fate in the show, that could be death, running away, turning into something grotesque, being locked in a parallel universe where blimps are our everyday transport, it could be loads of things.
The Olympics don’t need to cater to sports fans. Sports fans are going to watch anyway. The whole reason the Games are such a big deal is that people who don’t normally care about sports (AKA, the majority of potential viewers) get into them as well.
You realize that starting right off the bat by comparing whatever they are doing to Nazis using curse words and all caps means that you look like a loon and I cant take anything you say seriously right?
wait, how is cellulose(insoluble dietary fiber) alarming? it’s one of the main components in plant cell wall. i don’t know if you depend on exlax to take shits, but most human beings eat some form of plant matter.
Uhh... We are not really buying your logic regarding an “advantage.”
This guy is truly an inspiration to all handicapped people.
Good luck with that. A hamburger, small drink and a fries will set you back $3.70 - with the happy meal you also get apple slices or yogurt or a mandarin orange. Plus the fucking toy - thats worth two bucks right there. Fuck you for being a judgmental dick.
Top Gear’s Chris Harris finally introduced himself to the Dodge Viper ACR in his latest film on TopGear.com, and…
Giuguaro wedge? Not ugly!
That was the second best way to start the morning.
What a shit world we live in when the guy who wasn’t at fault in that wreck thinks he needs to put his hands behind his head just so he doesn’t get shot.
Does Apple not know that phone thickness doesn’t matter? A majority of their phones are thrown into Otterbox cases the moment they are turned on.