
So the rampant lies in a pump and dump scheme are all puppies and rainbows because stock price is up, but the questions and skepticism of a short seller should be illegal? Do you even know how markets work? Someone had to sell those stock shares you’re buying. Sorry you got duped investing in a fraud... the right

This doesn’t surprise me.

It bothers me how much better that looks than the actual concept.

needs more grille if you ask me. Bring back the 9-slot!

Clearly whoever made the rhyme, did the crime

One more reason I’ll be switching from Android to iOS when new iphones launch. While Samsung’s hardware is top notch, this retarded way of having 2 different app stores on one device is annoying. Plus privacy and security is not exactly a feature of Android.

Flash tuning voids warranty, film at 11.

On one hand, I get that it’s your car and you should be able to do what you want with it. On the other hand, I also get that if someone’s car burns to the ground because an aftermarket hack overheated the battery, Tesla will get blamed for it. A tune on an ICE car is much less likely to get blamed on the manufacturer.

This is why fighting back with your wallet never works.

I just don’t understand what they’re censoring. The whole world knows about it. It’s like dad slapped mom across the table and now we’re just supposed to keep eating?

There is an old Communist joke. “We will sell the capitalists the very rope we use to hang them.” This is almost exactly what we do with China. When the corporations sided with the GOP in the 80s the US Christians were relieved. They thought they had an ally for God, Family, and Country. So relieved they never

I can understand releasing an edited trailer in China, because the CCP’s strict controls over foreign media (and local support of this) is the price you pay for doing business there, but changing everyone’s trailer is a bit much.”

Because China uses their giant market to force companies to do their bidding. If they

Also, fuck Activision and their shitty games.

I don’t know why everyone is so upset about footage of an event that clearly didn’t happen. 

Fuck the CCP

He needs to fly under 10 more bridges if he wants to beat today’s GTA challenge. 

Ah, the old Harley-Davidson competitive strategy.  Worked out great for them, right up until it didn’t.

But but but we have a finely-manicured and historically-backed heritage of douchenozzlery! Don’t you want to immediately look like a brodude in a Wrangler too?

When Jeep’s first “Advantage” is heritage, my response is,

Including other streamers who apparently need to “react” to an apology video. Like christ, seriously? You’re video is you reacting to someones apology? I mean an announcement of some kind like a song, game, or big world event? Sure.