
art is happening before your very eyes

I'd just like to take a moment to note the credit on the last photo. I think that's art?

Yeah I’m tired of this dollar store art and animation style.

Serious question, does the same 1 guy animate everything on cartoon network now?

Mikasa is only attached as fuck because her parents were murdered in front of her at age 9
- Eren saves her from being human trafiicked and offers her a home

Second parents are missing/murdered in front of her eyes AGAIN at age 10
- Eren is the one left alive in the second household.

She was fuckin 9/10 when she developed

What has been seen cannot be unseen.

Why make everything else realistic and then go and give them giant anime eyes?

Uncanny valley in a nut shell.

Eye don't know...

well sweet mother teresa on the hood of a mercedes benz, you sound like a majestic fucking eagle.

This is genuinely the most disturbing thing I've seen so far this month.