Strange was okay. It felt very formula though.
Strange was okay. It felt very formula though.
Isn't Sinister in Logan?
"She’s a spoiled dancing monkey in a MAGA hat, and too often people treat her as harmless because she’s a pouty blond white lady. Fuck that. It’s time to stop coddling Tomi Lahren, and let her have a taste of her own tough-love medicine."
How many times does this need to be eggsplained?
Go with God.
Oh God! I'd completely forgotten about that.
I've been assuming we'd get an origin story with a younger Batgirl but I'd forgotten to consider what's already come.
This film is probably not coming out for about two years and I'm assuming we'll be getting something of an origin story. That means the actress playing Batgirl will have to be relatively young. Early twenties at least. This is a character that has never been seen on the big screen before so getting an unknown will…
She's one of the only things the DCEU that works. Her and Affleck and man have they burned him.
From what I understand Pepe was an innocent character who's creator had no bigoted intentions. For whatever reason the so called Alt-Right appropriated it for themselves.
Why do these outfits look like they popped out of some sitcom or after school special from the late 80s? Are dumb bigoted assholes really that retrograde?!
Fuck off you little twit.
Watch the whole clip. It's only 2:37 long. Around the 2:00 mark he states that the Sandy Hook mass shooting was staged by the government and the children who were murdered were not actually murdered and that they were "actors."
"The stuff said here" is true. Jones has been spouting this kind of paranoid idiocy for years.
Hit piece my ass.
"…everyone is lying to you.
They value families so much that they want go and make more of them? I mean either that or they're just raging hypocrites.
The amazing thing is that even though he's now on record as having admitted it's all nonsense his followers won't be affected at all (assuming they even hear about this). They'll just tell themselves it's "fake news" or that Jones is being attacked by "The Man" or the Illuminati or whatever and this is what he has to…
So , I guess "performances artist" is conservative for lying fucken coward. Good to know.
Oh… I just assumed his character died in the movies. My mistake.