
"I like big BASS and I can not lie…"

One would think that Conservative readers of outlets like The Blaze would notice and get tired of the fact that their media is a collection of over paid liars and grifters and stop forking over their cash.

Death would have been far more merciful that ambushed with coffee.

Agreed. They wanted a more mainstream crowd pleasing film.

I still love the alternate ending (although I understand why Mann took it out) in which after killing Dollarhyde, Will still insists on driving to the home of Dollarhyde's next intended victim's because he's already imagined their murders and he needs to see them alive in order to convince himself they're still alive.

It's not better. But I've always preferred it.

Alan Shore in The Practice / Boston Legal. It's James Spader that makes this character work. Without him the Shore is so obnoxious and self destructive he would have rendered the show unwatchable. But Spader's charm and inscrutable motives always made Shore a fascinating rouge that you hoped would choose to be the

Fox Mulder in The X Files. When I was younger I was completely pulled in by the idea of an investigator in probably one of the tightest most conservative, don't rock the boat atmosphere's in America (the FBI) who was a complete outsider for the most personal of reasons, his missing sister and his belief in the "realm

Good for Twitter.

This is why America can't have nice things.


Republican legislators in Congress don't care and Republican voters don't care. That's why Trump gets to do these things. Because self identified R's all over the nation have made the conscious decision that rules, norms and ethics don't matter as long as it's their guy in the White House. The next time a Democrat is

d) all of the above.

I never chose an avatar for this Disqus account. Am I a troll?

"…people are beginning to realize that they may have made a mistake by backing Trump."

Three hours for the Justice League?!?

I actually like Sorkin and the material he writes about but I'm guessing this would go about as well as David E Kelley writing a Wonder Woman show.

Question: Will Spiderman exist in this movie at all?

Yup. What were my options? Martin? 90210?

I'll say She's All That.