
This is just pathetic. The nation once thought of as the beacon of the free world is now led by a 70 year old, moody adolescent who is incapable of not acting like a bully in a bad high school comedy. I never would have thought that a dictatorship would be this ridiculous.

I love the notion that anyone who disagrees with these jackoffs are immediately written off as "snowflakes" (in other words, wimps) yet they are very upset that people aren't relentlessly saying nice things about the Dear Leader.

Good Lord…

Just because more people are ordering 1984 doesn't mean more people are reading 1984. President Trump believes that 3 to 5 million people are fraudulently ordering this book because it looks good on a coffee table.

The political pop culture that I was watching at the time was very mainstream. Children of Men was/is brilliant. I found V for Vendetta shocking at the time. I didn't think a movie would ever depict what was taking place in our society like that. Now it seems prophetic. The most mainstream thing though was Boston Legal

I didn't watch the show regularly but I always remember the episode that featured Ann Coulter and the way it depicted her as more of a grifter than an actual racist. I wasn't sure if that was accurate then but now I just think she's a racist. She did just sign up to write for a white supremacist outlet. The show was

Something like that.

You're waaaaay more optimistic than I am.

Well, they fixed that problem!

…and less creepy, frankly.

As a person who has never watched even one second of The Apprentice I can quite honestly say, nope.

So were getting The Mentalist again…

Conservatives have long despised any news outlet that doesn't carry their water. No amount of objectivity will ever change this. It's either "Republicans are right about everything" or it's "liberal media bias." As far as the arts are concerned, R's have always treated the arts with indifference at best contempt at

"You are all acting like DOGS! And that gentlemen, is not what we are."

Well they do suck.

I disagree with the ranking. I'd put the first film first because it did something that at the time I found original and entertaining. Vampires and Werewolves as action movie characters. "Rise" was at least a change in setting and I love Rhona Mitra in just about anything. Hell I even liked her in Doomsday.

I really hope they get this right. I read the book years ago and loved it. Of course at the time the fan casting in my head had been wildly different the one that will be appearing in the series. I had Brad Pitt as Schuyler Moore, Anthony Hopkins as Kreizler and Sarah Jessica Parker as Sarah. Hey, it was the 90s…

"Ooh Scully, I've been saying that for years."

"Over on the Fox News facebook page…"

Create a product that insults Trump supporters. Apparently they like to spend their money on it so they can write the word "Trump" all over it.