Ahh, cast vs. forged. Makes sense.
Is there something wrong with TSW’s?
Probably spinners that aren’t spinning. Sprewells/spinners are cool right?
ahhh.... “stripped down”.
I’ve seen this “Stripper” manual mentioned a couple times now, can you enlighten me on what that means? A quick google search didn’t pull up anything relevant
Not in Michigan..
Content was great. Need to work on audio levels.
Awesome video! Just need to work on the audio levels.
this is such lol. all this waiting.... and build up... for that
Why do these companies think this is a feature that will lure more customers?
I still can’t believe allowed her to buy a LaFerarri.
Is this a joke? Looks like it is made of play-doh.
oh em gee my comment got approved for once.
I'd be in for this. But seeing as this is un-approved like all my comments and everyone except for the 20 or so that are allowed to comment, this won't be seen.
What a great start to my tuesday morning, an article on Justin Bieber. Like I needed another reason to hate her.
I still can’t believe that this is a real thing.
dammit I accidentally voted “Care”.
lies and deceit.