
Shit, I coulda told you that ANY corporation who says they are donating to ANY cause are lying.

Man, this one hurts me deeply. I’ve been following her for a while now and she walks what she talks, staying connected to the black community and even starting her business to serve & feed them. “Oxford’s Black Panther”, “freedom fighter and Black activist”, I am sending positive vibes your way Queen Sasha Johnson;,

Isn’t London covered in cctv cameras? They have no video, no clues, no witnesses, no ideas? Bullshit!

So if there aren't any decent, intelligent Republicans to put on - fuck 'em, don't put *any* on. This "both sides" bullshit has to stop when the other side wants nothing more than to spread white supremacy and bigotry all over the airwaves. 

Clearly, this is the sort of question that ought to be part of our national dialog. I believe the answer is that it is CNN’s editorial position that Santorum is the ideological counter-balance to the progressive commentators they feature, and the thought center of this country is roughly equidistant between those

Only thing they “birthed" is pieces of shit like him.

Obligatory... again and again.  As much as I love the RGV and SPI... damn.

“We birthed a nation from nothing.”

How is that not also considered a critical race THEORY? How is that not forcing someone’s “interpretation” of slavery down someone’s throat? “Brought workers from Africa...” has to be the understatement of the entirety of human existence.

Texas is living proof that voter suppression works, and needs to be actively countered in the legal system.

If a white child (teen, adult or geriatric) learning about American history doesn’t feel uncomfortable through rather large sections...then you are teaching US History wrong.

Tried to? They actually do.

Remember, by keeping the majority population(white)afraid, ignorant, yet feel superior of the world’s cultures and other races around them, they are able to sow the power that comes from the division at the minorities’ expenses.

A bunch of old white conservative men sittng around and deciding what “traditonal history” means is why we need CRT in the first place. Intellectually-bankrupt snowflakes. If history doesn’t make you uncomfortable at some point, you haven’t learned anything of substance.

This would be the same Texas that tried to make this history book a standard for schools:

Jane Elliott, my God. I love whenever she’s referenced. She stays owning white people with their own logic. You love to see it.

Raped, impregnated, married off, divorced, and dead before she could legally by a drink.

Ahhhhh yes the RICH Democrats and corporations who all support Marxism because that’s how Marxism works....

For all of this week’s contestants:

Now playing

White people: watch this before you write in and complain about The Root.