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This was beautiful. Mr. Wonder recognized how talented they were.

Shaft 1971
Space Jam

One of my favorites too thanks to the parents. If you haven’t already, check out the YouTube video of an interview Mr. Eddie did with Arthrel Neville. In his own words, (in that video or another posted) he says he did not intend to leave the group at that time. He just wanted to do some things on his own, like some

So true and on each and every level of government from the states to the White House that exists in this country, which is being run by descendants of criminals who are criminals themselves. 

It is true that they all need to go. That is a criminal organization that they have installed there from tRump on down with the offshoots to Graham, McTurtle and his wife, Pence, etc. Pelosi needs to go ahead and get the process really started, though, because it is their job and let the chips fall where they may.

Yup, and that is treason, which he has committed boldly before, and why his ass needs to be impeached, as well as for the other illegal shit he has done. That is the job of Congress and the more Pelosi dances around getting that started, the more she enables this pissant and sets a precedent long into the future, if

Good. She deserves every single terrible thing that can happen to her. Hopefully, she is just the beginning. There were others colluding with her trash ass to railroad those children back then and may karma round them all up.  

Too bad it wasn’t eternal.

Sounds like 529 supervisor fuck you Decatur City police. He and his cohorts need to be removed from the police force immediately.  

Rest well, Mr. Edmonds.

From the very invasion of this country, white people did not wanted POC educated unless it was an indoctrination utilizing their Bible. Education is power that they cannot control once it is gained. They definitely cannot have recidivism curtailed by people knowing how to navigate their system. Hopefully the ACLU

This country is corrupt and has never had an honest voting system. It was invaded by criminals and continues to be run into the ground by their trash offspring. The only thing missing is this used asswipe has not had the opportunity yet to refuse to leave office after his term is up. That’s coming.

Good for them. Hoping they just banish her ass outright. 

Pow. KOed. She handed him his entire behind. Guess that is why his punk ass is not showing up tomorrow, which confirms how compromised he is.

The lies. She had a problem with him being her neighbor and went there to kill him. She’s not sorry and did not mistake his place for being hers. Her acting is and has been all along subpar at best.