
Did it last week. She said "chain restaurant," and since it's a 23 oz, I can safely assume it's the same exact Outback porterhouse I had not 7 days ago.

Clearly, nobody's referring to the "Fancy" video. What part of "faux-Britney Spears" suggested to you that anyone was even thinking about "Fancy?"

How much salt are you using that you're concerned about raising the temperature? It's not supposed to be 4 parts Morton's to 1 part water. We're talking about a tablespoon or so here. Chemically insignificant levels of salt, not nearly enough to raise boiling time any noticeable amount. If you're talking about adding

You honestly think Disney left that decision solely up to JJ Abrams? I'd be shocked if he was even included in the discussion.

Then don't follow Foxtrot Alpha. This is not Jalopnik proper, and will not feature the same sorts of posts. You're whining about a subblog posting exactly what it's supposed to.

In American Horror Story last season, her character's actual hell (like, the one she will go to if she dies having done horrible stuff) is working at her old job at a fast food place forever.

I'm waiting for the inevitable backlash to your comment by people who don't know what you're referring to.


Quoting someone whose thoughts are even more horrifying than yours does not prove your point in the way you probably intended.

Try showing concern for both people beaten within inches of their lives, instead of blaming one of them.

He had just had the shit beaten out of him by someone whose entire job is beating the shit out of people. Why are you assuming he didn't "really care" when he's in the hospital right next to her? The guy's got potentially permanent injuries, and you're yelling about how he didn't help?

Please stop.

I was just pointing out that what you were stating as fact was not actually fact. He was not chosen for "no apparent reason." He is an experienced TV host. Your sarcasm is unnecessary.

"Been around longer?" Are we talking about the same guy who's been famous for literally decades? He had an incredibly successful sitcom and has hosted several successful talk/game shows. He didn't get chosen for "no apparent reason;" he's got years of experience doing this exact job.

She has been one of the three main characters for 8 years. Since the first episode. This article is about her, as she is one of the three getting $90 million.

I have nothing to say about this post other than "chicks" gets used a lot.

How is that odd in any way? He doesn't train tigers in real life; he trains pigeons.

First, no. Xena is not an Amazon. But nobody said there was a problem. It was a joke image, not an airing of grievances.

We're not talking about Nick Offerman; we're talking about Ron Swanson, who just married Lucy Lawless's character on Parks and Rec.