
Just let the last gen consoles fizzle out and die already. They were showing their age even three or four years ago.

While we at Kotaku don’t discriminate based on political views — we welcome all readers whether they’re proud feminists or SJW-haters — I have very little time for anyone who actively supports a movement that has caused so much pain to me, my colleagues, and so many others working in the world of gaming. If you can’t

Jason, thank you for this site. No other site I visit lumps so many of my interests together. Keep up the good work!

Come on, you know how gamer boycotts go.

Damn, that’s pretty interesting actually, thanks for the reply.

Some quick math: we had 11.8 million readers in April, per Quantcast. The GG base, the Kotaku In Action subreddit, has 35,000 subscribers. Even if you assume all of those subscribers are actually supporters of the campaign (which is unlikely), they’d be the equivalent of roughly 0.2% of our traffic.

Well, uh, if you’re part of a campaign that hopes to destroy Starbucks, you should probably stop buying those mocha frappuccinos.

I played Just Cause 3 last week too, and it’s wayyyyyy more of a sandbox game.

If you support Gamergate, why are you on Kotaku? Shouldn’t you be boycotting us?

If notifications are your big gripe, its not going to dissuade me from getting it. So far this looks like a bigger badder RAGE, a game I absolutely loved. I’d still be playing it if it werent for the fact it crashes constantly from the DLC and they never patched it *360*.

I just love that the film has upset gamergate and MRA supporters. I hope the game does the same.

Hey the Vita is a great console! As a piece of hardware I mean.

No vita release.

Capcom loved Nintendo at one point and released a bunch of exclusives that sold poorly... Blame the non 3rd party supporting Nintendo fans for the lack of this game not capcom.

How? Nintendo would not make another dime off of this exclusive, and it doesn’t affect them in any way. Not to mention having this re-master-re-master exclusive to Wii-U would be a waste of time as their last remaster sold extremely well on the other consoles that are far ahead in console sales.

Yeah, I love Western animation, too.

its not? what country comes even close?

NGE wasn’t good? Nice try.