
Dude. Shut the fuck up already.

That's not the only "hurdle" he's talking about. There are financial and tax issues as well. I wish people aren't so ignorant of region-locking. Sure it's backward and a company as big as Nintendo should be able to handle a region-free console, but you people are so ignorant of it you don't even know why it's

Two quivers; No pants.

It’s telling you your anaconda don’t want none....

I don’t have anything to say, but I wanted to try to get Kinja’s image commenting system to actually show the part of the image I commented on. I chose this part of this image because there’s... something about it that just speaks to me.


Candy Crush is a critical part of Windows 10’s Kernel

You watch what you say about solitaire.


And yet the news freak out every time a new GTA comes out.

Give me space cadet pinball any day.

Eh, it’s not the teabagging necessarily that makes me root for the streamer, it’s the arrogance. I hate arrogant gamers. Just enjoy the game, enjoy winning, there’s no reason to rub people’s noses in their defeat. Especially when you don’t demonstrate any significant skill in your victory (i.e. spamming the same combo

inb4 its not possible to uninstall ;)

Yay more pointless bullshit to uninstall on release.