
Glad to see that after 300 episodes, you still reach 30k views. People are still interested. Keep going.

Thanks. She’s really pretty.

What’s her name?

Insult??? You’re being too sensitive.

They’re comparing it to the Switch smartass.

Hehehe, no seriously you should do something that has some kind of sense in your life. You sound miserable and lonely.

You’re putting too much thoughts into it

Exactly my thoughts. That’s an important event in gaming history and shouldn’t be passed through so lightly.

Mehehehe. Lame

Nice cosplay. Very good work.

You are complexed and a little bit abnormal.

Thanks for the source but he’s saying he will tax income that are More than 400 000 € and not 40 000 € like you wrote and there is a big difference.



They look to be human controlled to me. How can you be so categorical? I’ve played countless hours of GTA V and never bumped into such “human” AI firefighters. That or GTA V programmers are wizards.

Pretty funny but most of them are human controlled and not npcs.

He should Sink twice next time, this is Nintendo he’s dealing with. JustIn case they decided to sue him.

Exactly, and a lot less exclusives.

Yeah, you’re just getting older and you’re judgemental capabilities are going downhill.

Both were actually enjoyable games, not on par with 2017 exclusives but very enjoyable nonetheless.