
You're the most influential person on campus, and you're telling me you wouldn't report what was shared to the authorities? Good god, man.

No, it couldn't have been. The coliseum sucks, and is hands down the worst in mlb.

Thanks for this. I hadn't seen it but its amazingly entertaining to watchmouth breathing, idiot fans out there get so worked up.

The people who feel the need to announce to the world how great their lives are or what possessions they have are without fail without either.

No, you respond because you're so desperate for an audience that you'll do anything for it. You're a classic millennial narcissist, who thinks he's owed fame. Fuck off and die in a fire, asshat.

If you didn't need my validation you wouldn't have spent the time you have replying.

Yeah those big macs aren't going to flip themselves!

No, sir, I couldn't possibly care less what you think. I find people like you hilarious, though, in thinking you are so "edgy" with disliking everything in the popular consciousness.

No, you didn't offend me. To offend me I'd have to care about your opinion and it's obvious you are *that guy* who has to make it a point to blast popular crititcs choice and somehow being above it. Kindly take the stick out of your ass and shove it in your mouth where it belongs.

Your spelling and grammar are somehow shittier than the abysmal Detroit lions. I didn't think it possible but holy shitballs are you a moron.

Nightcrawler over Wild? I couldn't possibly disagree more.

You must be a blast at parties. Oh who the fuck are we kidding you dont get invited to any parties.

Fuck Mark Jackson. Seriously. That piece of shit is the reason the Warriors lost early in the playoffs, not the reason they won 50 games. His insistence on running iso plays like it was 1994 was mind numbing. For him to shit on Bogut nonstop, and to continue to play no defense David Lee over Draymond were frustrating

You sure have a lot of hostilities towards homosexuals. Using a gay slur to insult me now this. You sure are insecure in your sexuality. Might be time to see a therapist and work it out. Oh, who the fuck am I kidding, you cant afford therapy.

Wow you used it right half the time. You must be proud!

You also don't know how to differentiate between *you're* and *your* you illiterate son of a bitch.

You obviously care what I have to say. Prove you don't by not responding.

You act like your life or team allegiances mean something.

Wrong as usual.

Then you both should be fired and replaced by people willing to actually work. Or, like I said, your job is utterly meaningless.