
The discrepancy in punishments is embarrassing. If I was him I would sue for wrongful termination, not that it would get anywhere but it would at least get some attention.

Goodbye and good riddance.

Fuck this moronic, idiotic "coach". Someone needs to execute his job as coach.

Fuck Derek Jeter and his selfish bullshit ego. KO said it best-had he been moved down in the lineup where he belonged there's a better chance the Yankees make the playoffs. Jeter is the single most overrated athlete of all time.

If you see anything other than an utter lack of caring for her well being then you are the one in need of comprehension enhancement.

Or just try, you know, exercising some self control. If you are so compelled to heck your phone constantly, maybe a better solution would be some introspection or therapy to find out why you are in constant need of outside world contact.

You trying to rationalize his behavior is defending him. Anyone with a semblance of common sense can easily see he saw her unconscious form as a problem to solve and not worrying about her.

I'd have a modicum of respect if this gasbag just came out and said "we need AP to be on the team to win games" instead of this disingenuous bullshit.

You defending a piece of shit like Ray Rice says more about you then it does him.

How about not carrying her at all and calling 911? How about rice, who is obviously quite strong, doing a fireman carry? The utter disregard with which he drug her shows what a truly contemptible piece of shit he is.

YOU are reading into the video. He was less concerned about her well being and more about how his violent outburst was going to affect him. A real decent person wouldn't have drug her around like a sack of garbage.

Go the fuck home Ray. Nobody wants your punk ass in the NFL anymore. Even when you do get reinstated nobody is going to sign you. Shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of here.

And if I did would that somehow make you feel better? Homophobe much? If you really want to make a stand then trade him to the best team in your league for a kicker, otherwise shut the fuck up.

I wish you dopes who want to drop him were in my league. Jesus Christ you people are dumb.

Trade him then. If you feel so strongly about it trade him to the guy on your league for a kicker. Just shut the fuck up about your supposed morality.

If you can't understand why leagues maintain a can't drop list then I seriously doubt you've been playing fantasy sports long.

He'll play again, I'm guessing week 9.

KO is the only sports journalist with the chops to properly handle this type of reporting. He's not on the NFL tit like so many other reporters so holds nothing back (unlike see: Berman, Chris).

Anyone who thinks this was the first time he hit her need to wake up. Most serial abused folks stay with their abusers. I see this statement and I realize just how deep and thorough his systematic (physical and mental) abuse has been.

With Olbermann's total and thorough takedown of Goodell and the NFL, ESPN, always carrying the NFLs water, had to make a big show that they still had the NFLs back.