Hilarious that you buy the NCAA company line about football not making them millions.
Hilarious that you buy the NCAA company line about football not making them millions.
Yes because Stewart is an angel who has never had on the track incidents before where he has had violent outbursts and fights with other drivers.
The only people who think I sound like an asshole are the people who think players shouldn't be paid a fair wage and should be "lucky" to get a scholarship.
Paid for by the NCAA. It takes tremendous balls to sit there and suggest that collegiate football isn't worth tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars to individual schools and the NCAA. It takes a special sort of stupid to ignore the repeated reports of increased donations as a result of high profile programs.
A scholarship isn't pay. Not even close. Throw in the facts that football players can't even take on part time jobs to put some money in their pockets, players cant profit off their own likeness (though that may soon change with this ruling), and the schools are under no obligation to continue your scholarship should…
Its called an analogy. The guy who works with you had a skill YOU didn't which is why he didn't have to pay for college.
With enough studying and money, most anyone can get a degree. Far fewer people can play football at the D1 level. Which is why YOU paid for your degree and these elite athletes got their tuition paid for.
And keep banging that drum keeping employees from their fair wages..it only makes you sound more and more like a pro NCAA douchebag.
He went to school for free because he had a skill set much more rare than you. Do you also get upset that Brad Pitt makes tens of millions making movies while you have to pay to see him in it?
I'm not going to go down your crazy rabbit hole with you. You think that employees of the school should shut the fuck up, put their heads down, and play the sport because these glory boys signed up for it.
Football doesn't generate millions?
Anyone can sell hot dogs. Far fewer can compete at the D1 level hence why they should be compensated as such.
The thousands of collegiate employees who have made their schools and the NCAA untold millions would tell you I'm righy.
I don't think this decision by itself will undo the chokehold the NCAA has had on its athletes for decades, but I think it will play a key role in future lawsuits.
Its hardly preconceived without evidence. One need to only search the millions of YouTube videos that fetishize crashes to see the link between NASCAR fans and the love of crashing.
Its scary you created a second account to stalk me to claim "victory".
I seriously doubt you'd be blaming yourself if your kid got run over by a driver swerving into his path, even if he were walking on a track.
"Embrace debate".
I don't know if I should feel honoure
As am owner Jerry Jones will get a phone call from the commissioner and that's all...if this was a player? Multiple game suspension for "conduct detrimental to the league".