Right because oppressed minorities always get vindicated right away.
Right because oppressed minorities always get vindicated right away.
Way to construct a straw man.
Leaving Minnesota for Cleveland? Like that shithole is an upgrade?
Shouldn't you be going with your mommy to do your back to school shopping?
Keep projecting, but you couldn't be more wrong.
Tl:dr blowhard tries to commit word murder defense of the continued use of racist terminology and logos.
Its not political correctness to want to end racism you mindless, mouth breathing twit.
To all the morons still fighting this inevitable change? Fuck you. Redskins is a racist term. Period. The fact that you fucking idiots can't figure that out or want to excuse it proves what morons you are.
You really should be more honest if you're going to troll. It would have cost Lee and Klay. Try harder troll!
Klay Thompson only shoots threes and doesn't play elite level defense? Get the fuck out of here noob you obviously don't know jack shit about basketball.
Right because I'm the first and only person to use that term.
So he gets a four day weekend? What a penalty. A real punishment would be forcing him to visit that shithole Cleveland.
Again, goddamnit.
Here's a hint guys: The MRSA jokes are tired. Try agaib.
SF here bud.
Well seeing as they are loaded they didn't need a big name fee agent. Klay will be due a raise as well.
If I lived in Cleveland I'd be miserable just like you.
Ooh you got me! What a shockingly original insult.
What a sick original burn. Your mom must becproud.
False. I just laugh at fucking miserable Clevelanders thinking they now have something of worth.