
I’d pay no small amount of money to see someone hook up one of those huge vibrating tree-nut harvesters to the chassis of this thing & watch it break apart violently.  I’m not sure why I hate this particular Jalopnik project with such black bile...

I feel so fortunate that every stationary pane of glass in my IHC can easily be cut by literally any windshield company. I do have a set of spare windows for my doors just in case.

Well said.  I’ve seen vehicles with Redwoods growing from them more resto-worthy than this heap.

We get our (20% subsidized by our county and state) 10kwh battery and 8.5 kw solar installed tomorrow. We don’t have a BEV yet, but are thinking of getting a BEV scooter for use in town, just for the tax credits we’d get for putting a charger on the house.

My Scout was pulled out of a Redding, CA field in 2018 after being parked there in 1993. I vacuumed out 2-5 gallon shop-vacs full to the filter of Rat feces, nesting material, and acorns from behind the dash and in crannies under the hood. I only had 2 spots of rust through, all due to Rat urine and condensation

And half of us are dumber than the “Average American” they met...

Please read up on “traditional” Native American Fry Bread, and how colonists effectively changed the diets of Indigenous tribes across North America. Also see the rates of Diabetes among southwest Natives.

Biiiirrrrrrrrrrrd Man!  He could enter the Hex as Harvy Birdman, Attorney at Law.’s where I paraphrase “Equality feels like oppression when you’re privileged.” There’s an awful large number of things starting before 1776 that our nation, collectively, needs to have a Big Mea Fucking Culpa regarding.

Whose tradition and history? The Cherokee nation’s heritage and legacy shouldn’t be co-opted by whitey anymore. #WhyUMadBro?

Pasticcio Caldo... might as well show the company’s roots.

I have a cousin who retired from Polaris as an engineer. He graduated H.S. in the late 70's and became a test-driver at the Factory in Roseau. After an injury during a photo shoot out west, they sent him to school for engineering. He went on to head their Watercraft Division in IA, and helped design some of the first

Tesla. Has. The. Money. To. Pay. For. An. Unplanned. Work. Stoppage.

I doubt that conversation is far off, once Stellantis caves.  What’s with people being afraid of change?

We did some outreach work in the early aughts in rural AZ. The living conditions were downright horrific. Add to that the westernization (read: Cheap, easy to prepare food) of their diet, and that becomes a population rife with diabetes. I can’t tell you how many toes I saw plucked off of the feet of native american

Delete your life, and all the bad takes you’ve vomited onto your keyboard.

Here’s my donor. I just have to make the 196 4 thumper last until conversion kits increase in range and get some miles under them. I figure I have 5 years or so to save up. It had 48k actual miles when I put the F.I. and disc brake conversions in.  So far a really fun Daily Driver.

They’re not saying “Or Else” either... they’re telling Stellantis they don’t appreciate the use of the Cherokee moniker.  I didn’t see anything regarding “Or Else”.

I’d rather VW turn Scout into a range of electric SUV’s retrodesigned as modern versions. The Small Scout 800 and the larger Scout II, both two-door, with Traveller four-door versions of both as well. BEV with a small rotary ICE as a genny for extended excursions and work use.  Have versions with a bed as well maybe.

If you read the article... they’re not asking for money or MuH rEpErAsHuNz.  They’re asking Jeep not to be dicks.