HnnnnngggGAH! whew.
Ha. You plebes know nothing of rust. we owned two International Harvester scouts (a ‘76 Terra with the slant 4, and a ‘79 Scout II sport 345 [sliding side windows and a tilt steering wheel FTW]) near International Falls, MN. Both rusted to the door handles, We pulled the carpet out of the Scout II eventually, the…
My ‘98 S70 with an’04 T5R is just too damn reliable. I’m thinking of getting a fresh coat of paint, in fact. Also, not the best interiors or seats in the Subies I’ve ridden in. Good deal or no... crackpipe.
Should we all get off your lawn? Seriously... HD are overpriced crapcans built and sold by crapcan builders and dealers. You own a crapcan, and are telling people with valid opinions that they have the wrong opinion of your crapcan. Hilarity!
Anecdotal, but I was in Las Vegas a couple weekends ago, we drove and walked by their store on the strip multiple times over the weekend and the place was a ghost town every time. If vacationers are coming to the HD of american cities and their store is empty... bad sign for americas favorite T-shirt company.
Hardly Davidsons are the Fixed Gear Bicycles of the motorcycle world. Fucking ridiculous.
Maybe if NASCAR could offer a free Hardly D. ElectraUltraSuperBallsyManlyGlide 2000 lb. cruiser with every ticket purchase, they’d stay solvent. Meaning both dinosaurs.
Most Jeep owners I know personally (not many, granted) have absolutely no problem patting themselves on the back, then yelling themselves hoarse making sure everyone knows. Generalizing sucks.
True story, yet anecdotal. I have an uncle who was stationed at Edwards & a couple other bases out west and on the east coast from the early sixties to the late 70's... I’m not sure of the timeline, but he did some very early work with AWACS. He retired as a Lt. Col. after god knows how many years. He also drank. He…
Proud owner of a ‘98 S70 GLT that made it to the moon before transplanting an ‘04 T5R... get and keep a great private mechanic. Ours has his own scrapyard full of bits and bobs, makes owning this and a ‘99 XC70 a breeze.
If it’s like any of the K cars on the A-team or Hardcastle and McCormick, the same hubcap takes flight around multiple corners in the same car chase.
St. Paul checking in... My ‘98 S70 got her belated snow tire transplant. The ‘04 T5R plant makes things interesting. I feel like I could point my car in any direction and just go. It’s a warm, snuggly, quiet tank... and I love her.
Glad I got out of the new car circlejerk years ago. Used Volvos coupled with a reliable Volvo-only mechanic FTW.