
Sullivan, you chode!”

Didn’t Kanye say that Jodorowsky’s “Holy Mountain” was an inspiration to him?

No MONSTER SQUAD love?!???

No MONSTER SQUAD love?!???

The whole movie is about her. The fact that she was not in the movie in a way that would be traditionally considered a main character was an amazing creative choice by Tarantino. Leo and Brad’s characters are symbols of a Hollywood gone by. If only someone like them had lived next door (in reality). Unfortunately,

“...has very few rights and they’re getting took more every day,”

I don’t really see the difference between Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, The Goonies, Star Wars or any other blockbuster. Marvel may be overcrowding the market, but if anything they are saving cinema. Who here remembers the oscar winners from the same years that Back to the Future or The Goonies came out? You


More than likely, there was an agreement beforehand. Even if Ashanti is not being paid royalties, she may have been paid a flat fee up front as a session musician would be.

I saw in a previous article that he had moved places.

No. Wouldn’t that conspiracy make sense though?

I now have a deadline to purchase a new 4k TV then.

A shadowy group of Southern Republicans murdered JFK? No way. I would have never guessed.

I’m not a believer in anything spiritual, but when I was a child that was different.

I’m not sure if “vast” is a good way to explain the differences between W. Bush and 45. The major difference between the two is that one did his best to keep his intentions confidential, while the other blasts Twitter with brain dumps as soon as he’s released enough gas to allow his neurons to function.

If they had Ashanti lay down a phrase as a place holder in order to get the rest of the composition in place until J. Lo was able to lay her vocals down, it makes sense.

I’m loving the revisit to Erdrea.

Dipshitgate is better.


Have fun being married to SATAN!