

Have fun being married to SATAN!

I’ve been drinking green tea all goddamn day.



I’m pretty sure they will think the same after he is not reelected.

Because the GOP was running on fumes and war was the only guarantee for W. Bush’s reelection.

Saw the movie on Thursday. I enjoyed it.

I’ve never heard Briscoe Cain’s voice, but for some reason I picture it sounding like Tangina from Poltergeist.

I just can’t see how a bunch of armed unintelligent rednecks is a threat.

How surprising--A textbook sociopath ends up creating and leading a successful business.

Shadow Hearts is still my favorite work of Mitsuda.

Not sure if anyone got your Pinkerton reference.

This is an inspired choice. Usually Marvel castings are a bit questionable until you actually see the actor in action. This is just unbelievable and exciting.

Cue RGB photoshopped as Captain America.

Just more evidence that the right wing does not fully comprehend climate change because they automatically dismiss it’s occurrence (to stay within in party alignment), so therefore refuse to educate themselves.

I agree. They could have full cassette functionality with the added technologies described above.

100% of people that make comments on the internet to downplay and put down others for stating truths about themselves are assholes.

White noise would work in the same way it works on Daredevil.

Still more intelligent than A Quiet Place where the whole plot revolved around an entire world in the thrall of creatures with super hearing.