I’m pretty sure the timing of Tillerson’s statements has a lot to do with the impending Mueller news today.
I’m pretty sure the timing of Tillerson’s statements has a lot to do with the impending Mueller news today.
George W. Bush is the reason the GOP still exists.
This sounds more like Momoa trying to have a laugh.
I was hoping for “Thanos Imperative” since that was one of the greatest stories ever told (Right behind War of Kings). Some day!
I forgot this was coming out. Downloading now!
Can he give them Texas or Florida instead?
Thank you for this.
So what did China get out of this deal then?
I have 3 PS2 consoles just waiting for a decent converter to come around.
Dragon Quest XI finally gets the love!
It’s hilarious how these insanelings believe the world works.
Excellent article.
It’s Texas, so there’s that.
I think the point he is trying to make is that FDR, a Democrat, did not allow Jewish refugees into the U.S. during the holocaust.
Trump is so fucked.
There was a time when kings would lead their armies into battle.
Good riddance.
What about Devin Nunez? Are we finally rid of him or was his seat not up this time?