
“True Facts” is a redundant product of the Trump era.

Say “fetal personhood” with a southern accent and tell me you don’t sound dumb. I dare you.

Looks like PA may finally be converted. Let’s hope this change gives us FL for 2020!

It’s not a question of “where” they belong, it’s “when”. They belong in a different time. 19th century?

Avatar, the coffin that is James Cameron’s career.

Thank you, Don.

I had mentioned in a recent post how the amount of troops at the border will not end well. Now we have will have enough trigger-happy white arseholes to light the powder keg.

This is amazing.

Star for “rapin’ around doin’ his shit”.

Can’t wait to see the impending uptick of Land O Lakes sales.

Nobody would bet against anything horrifying happening when the caravan arrives at the border. With that many troops acting on behalf of the orange dick tator, there is going to be a massacre. This will not end well.

I wish Mr. Feeny was my neighbor.

Those tweets are too well thought out and put together to be actually written by Kanye.

As a long time fan of Abnett and Lanning’s Guardians run, I loved Gunn’s adaptation.

Hahaha. “Long game” was an unfortunate choice of words.


Putin could not have said it better.

Am I missing something? Was the color purple chosen deliberately?


I think it makes more sense that if anyone is “financing” the caravan coming into the U.S. it would be the GOP. There is an election coming up--Is there a better way to rile up the ignorant?