
I agree 100% except you left out Pemento.

Social media platforms ranked by vileness:

Terry Crews as any super hero is magic.

Could he be playing Bishop or was this discussed already?

Wouldn’t this have the reverse effect?

3 sets of 34:

Hope Hicks? More like “Gropes Dirty Dicks”.

A few months back, I had suggested celebrities boycott social media (specifically Twitter) so they would remove Trump from the platform.

Gave you 1. It’s not free lunch though.

This is an excellent article. We need more of these.

I think he may have passed the threshold.

Siamese Dream is a much better album.

Going up is not a problem when it’s doing so at a natural pace. As soon as the GOP took control, the market increased in the most unnatural way. A confidence bubble brought on by institutions freed by deregulation. It’s not actual economic growth evidenced by our drop today.

This is not authoritarian at all. Our president is not a dictator in training. Everything is fine. /s

As soon as Trump took office, I put all of my 401k into bonds. I know this is not a wise decision that most financiers would frown upon, but I was just so angry and completely convinced his presidency meant another recession.

I think that you are limiting yourself.

FDR is the best place to start. The list can go on and on, but yet the best the GOP can muster is Reagan who was a partisan figure head that accomplished nothing at all except create a generation of baby boomers obsessed with conservatism.

Can we have a similar video showing how Cameron ripped off multiple Japanese animes to create Avatar?

Lincoln was a lefty. He may have been a Republican in name, but at the time of his presidency, the Republican party was the liberal party. Party political alignments shifted some time after Lincoln’s presidency.