
My day is now complete.

Franco came out in support of the cause. Because of this, he was targeted.

You have a valid point.

I guess I should have specifically named celebrities since this is the internet.

The pins are symbolic. I get that.

That’s definitely PART of it.

Dan Harmon’s response to his allegations should be served as a starting point for more men like Franco, who normally support movements like #timesup but are too self serving to realize they’ve made horrendous mistakes.

Bobby is back!

Her head looks indescribably too large for her body.

Every time I see Ginsberg in the news, I just think about how important it is for her to stay with us. She is one of the strongest women alive.

I’m not well-rounded enough in law to understand if the outcome of this case has any potential longterm effects.

Should we be profiling white male gun nuts as potential harvesters of child porn?

I disagree. I think Indy 4 was exactly the same as the original 3. It just doesn’t hold up, especially when practical effects are used.

We really need to attack the men who don’t have pins.

Clio is the best.

A valid point.

Applebees and Friendly’s are basically fast food restaurants disguised as sit-down family establishments. The food is not any better than any fast food competitor.

Shhhh. Don’t tell Republicans.

As soon as the Democrats gain control, we need to push our elected officials to do away with the electoral college.