Just FYI. You can disable embedding of your videos if you’d like. But I still believe your video is monetized even when embedded, so I’m not sure why you’d want to do that.
Just FYI. You can disable embedding of your videos if you’d like. But I still believe your video is monetized even when embedded, so I’m not sure why you’d want to do that.
I’ve spotted one new Supra heading down 45N in the Houston area. Was actually shocked when I saw it. Haven’t seen one since :P
This ^
I put a touchscreen Sony with CarPlay in my NA and have no regrets.
Should of built a cheap fence around it, like this guy did:
I can smell the vape through my computer monitor.
Tesla has a 10+ year start on perfecting the EV. Other car manufacturers are pretty much taking ICE cars, and strapping a battery and an an electric motor in there. The proof is looking in how other manufacturers are constructing their EVs: https://jalopnik.com/watch-us-dig-into-a-totally-disassembled-tesla-model-3-183…
When the iPhone came out, people were up in arms because there was no keyboard. “We want keyboards!” the people cried, but alas 10+ years later, nobody cares and have gotten used to touchscreen phones.
I watched BumbleBee, then impulse bought a yellow classic beetle the next day.
You know, you can always move to the country-side if you find that modern city evolution and progress annoys you. You won’t even need to shout “get off my lawn” anymore 😊
Innovation happens by challenging the status quo.
This is the tech-version of the tin-foiled hat.
Were you ok with taxpayer $ going towards bailing out GM, Chrysler and Ford? FYI, taxpayers lost $10+ Billion on that bailout: https://www.thebalance.com/auto-industry-bailout-gm-ford-chrysler-3305670
It’s a good thing you’ll never need to replace a catalytic converter on a Tesla. /s
There’s several of them already built (albeit, prototypes).
GM is clearly a company that does not prioritize design.
I admittedly logged back in to try out the new heists.
They were fun, however I don’t appreciate that I spent 2-3 hours playing the heists and using all the cool cars/gadgets (flying Delorean!), and at the end of it, the payout is literally $500,000 (or about $800k split amongst 3 players).
Do you take this stance for all advances in technology that make things more easier/convenient/safer for the populace, or only for things “you’re the master of”.