Your loss.
Your loss.
I don't think you can.
The timezone is always listed. In this case, is PDT. If you don't know your own timezone then I don't know what to tell you.
It takes 2 seconds to Google the time difference.
You mean a pie chart?
I don't even clear my inbox. To me, there's no point. I can quickly star and flag items that I deem important. Everything else just falls to the side and eventually gets pushed further and further into history. I've been doing this for years now and it's worked pretty well. If I ever need to get to a specific…
Because the name, and how it looks are more important than how it functions.
You want to control your physical phone, from the game? How exactly is this a selling point? I see no actual benefits to this other than 'coolness' factor.
My thoughts exactly. He's not very punctual.
I'm confused. I don't recall any Camaro body styles having wrap around head and tail lights.
I think you read "Ferrari". It's Lamborghini.
The lights aren't correct to be a new model Camaro. If you look closely, this car's lights wrap around the side on the front and rear. The camaros lights are placed flat on the front, and can really only be seen at a more head-on angle.
Must be nice living with such paranoia.
To each their own. I found the driving a lot more enjoyable in IV than any other games in the series. The cars in previous installments were always floaty and weightless. I'm glad that they added better physics and more realism to make driving actually more of a challenge.
Or, you know. They could take them to the track like they were designed for. Seems like these guys are buying ego boosts more than just enjoying the toys that they're privileged to own.
The app store was not included with iOS when it was first released.
Sorry, but people need to start understanding that if you put it online, it will most likely be online forever. You don't want the world to see it? Then don't upload it.
"Facebook is one of the worst-designed and -formatted websites ever"
You're hilarious.