
Funnily enough, I was at a closed Delorean event yesterday in Houston. I buddy recently landed a job working at DMC (his first gig!) and invited me to attend the event where owners and fans from around the world gathered. I've never seen so many Deloreans in my life!

I snagged one off before they took them down this morning...

"Running a week from this Sunday, a 10.1-inch Galaxy Tab will be free when a 46-inch 3DTV's bought for $1,5000."

This is the kind of stuff I live for when doing interface design! Nice analysis :)

I was looking forward to this coming to Sprint. Oh well, guess I won't be buying into WebOS.

This is the future of 3D. No glasses, no squinting, no extra hardware (besides a camera and your two eyes)

I bit of research would prove that this image is fake. Of course, it's too juicy for Gizmodo to SAY so

I've been following the progress of the thermostat design on Dribbble.

I was actually in the airport when this was reported. They put the gates on "lock down".

@Garion: There is a mandatory 10% restocking fee for returning your iPhone. Not to mention, time wasted having to go back and deal with "employees" who are trained to tell you "there is no problem"