
maybe Jamiroquai asked beforehand? he’s also a pretty big car guy, so his agent probably just called the “Maranello” contact on his speed dial, and they worked out a license.

Ford “Eco Burst”

Digital dashboards. Turns out the people of the future just like needles.

Ahem. Mitsubishi needs to get back into WRC, too, but the whole state of that company right now makes Stef a sad Puffalump.

Actually, God used to drive a Plymouth. In Genesis, it is written, “And God, IN HIS FURY drove Adam and Eve from the garden....”

You’re obviously very discerning. Can I interest you in this beige Camry?

Did she just shit out a pacer? That ass has magical powers.

Most of this is common sense but I put together a list of good etiquette for going to a shop (assuming you have chosen a good one)

Now playing

As someone who learned to drive in Nevada, and has spend countless hours just putting the hammer down in the empty byways of the silver state, I not only star you, but thank you as well.

US 50.

Route 66. Yeah, it doesn’t go all the way across the country, but most of the way. It’s been realigned and rerouted many times over the years but there are plenty of guides online for following a route as close to the original as possible.

Cars that had a water-skiing option. WAY ahead of its time.

Facial Hair Opacity