
Yeah, but in the eyes of the “No True Socialist” crowd, the only effective socialism takes place in primarily market economies in Europe and is partly or totally funded via capitalism.

Socialism works perfectly until you run out of other peoples money, or in this case, oil money.

We should rename the “No true Scotsman” logical fallacy to “That’s not real Socialism.”

Uh, the majority of those countries don’t even call themselves socialist. At best, their economies are a mixture of socialism and capitalism as a few industries are owned by the government and the majority are not owned by the government or heavily regulated.

Nationalizing industry is definitely socialism dude or dudette. The quibble would be between dictatorial socialism or democratic socialism. Neither place a high value on corporate property rights.

Socialism, 100 years of winning!!!

Looks like their priorities are the retired, sick and unemployed.

The ire for Trump marches on.

“A sociopath with that low of an IQ...”

Oooh. Don’t cut yourself on all that edge.

Found the lonely unmarried bastard.

Someone cross-post this to Jezebel where they seem to believe that women never, ever, ever do this.

I will. Don’t spit fire and act like an ass if you can’t fucking take it.

Dear NATO and the U.N., We did exactly what should have been done the first time chemical weapons were used in Syria by Assad.

P.S. It could have already been over years ago sparing thousands of civilian lives. U.N., Please get your head out of your ass and prove that you are still relevant.

Signed, The U.S.

They targeted Syrian military air fields. They aren’t just dropping them randomly.

Hey everyone, I found that guy who found some way to blame the guy on the motorcycle.

I think signaling for left is confusing, even though many sources say that’s how it’s done. I don’t signal when entering and signal to the right when I’m exiting, to let those trying to enter know where I’m going. If someone sees you with a left signal on, they don’t know where you started from, so they’re unaware if

That’s what I thought too at first. Treat it as an intersection. But it sounds like you’re supposed to treat the circle like its own little road.

Simply no sympathy for either person. Two assholes on a road being assholes. Both were bound to get fucked.

If you have a child with a severe peanut allergy, THE PARENT should have an epi pen. Think about it, would you expect the airline to have a dispensary and pharmacist/nurse on every flight to cover every sickness/disease? Your plane ticket would be $10,000.