Again, with another shirtless shot.
Again, with another shirtless shot.
It’s a shame when a legitimate businessman can’t even back out of his driveway without being murdered
I don’t know if a single Michael Avenatti could be a considered “a bunch of people.”
And Hollywood executives’ takeaway from this will be that the people like horror movies about tunnels. Or boardwalks. Or bougie second homes on beautiful lakes (their houses and the harbor were gorgeous). Wouldn’t be close to the first time the shit got misinterpreted by rich morons who failed upward to control…
does it really matter that he’s a lying sack of shit?
Free education and free health care should be mandatory the world over, not only here. Healthy educated people contributing back into sociey? Everybody wins.
The 1.2% takes into account the non-slave holding states and does not accurately reflect the situation.
Almost the entire American - and European - economy was predicated on cheap, slave-produced goods and services. Doesn’t anyone else remember being taught about the slave-molasses-rum triangular trade that enriched New England ship owners? Who didn’t wear clothes made of cotton grown in the south?
I do see your point, but it’s roughly 7.4% nationwide according to the census in 1860, provided you count the household as owners and not just the man of the house. It’s also not like they fought JUST the 1.2% of owners in the Civil War. If you count southern states without diluting them with northern states, roughly…
I absolutely hate all the ridiculous groveling to Iowa voters. Fuck ranch. Fuck the Iowa state fair. Fuck the Iowa caucuses. Really, just fuck Iowa. Perhaps the only intelligent thing Donald Trump has ever said was “How stupid are the people of Iowa?” (present company excluded, of course, if you happen to be reading…
Republican math:
Who am I?
To be honest, I should have said cognizant of the history of the trans Atlantic slave trade which would also include the Caribbean and South and Central America. That is to say, the very basics of how Black people who are not newly emigrated to this hemisphere from Africa ended up in this part of the world in the…
The trans Atlantic slave trade did not only affect the United States of America. Quite frankly, the use of enslaved Africans as slave labor is not something that only Americans should be learning about. While I would not say that such basic knowledge is mandatory to read the site I would wonder what exactly it is you…
And just because something is “silly” doesn’t mean there isn’t reason to be offended.
I wasn’t offended by it because it’s silly.