And they looked like hams, but differently. It’s hard to explain.
And they looked like hams, but differently. It’s hard to explain.
I grew up in a suburb of a midsized city, and while there were PHARM parties going on at my highschool, I didn’t attend them. I went to college however, in a much, much smaller town. One that acted as a hub for the even less sparsely inhabited counties surrounding it. They had FARM parties and I had no idea what I was…
Said it before and I’ll say it again.
I’ve found that people who try to be decent human beings because it’s the right thing to do are generally better than people who try to appear to be decent human beings because they want a better reputation than they deserve.
OMG, are you kidding me with that forced-birther propaganda bullshit? “they punctured my uterus with a large needle and left me alone... the baby came out of me alive and was allowed to die.” That’s straight fantasy. That is not how abortions work.
At the end of the day, no matter what you do, your reward is Dominos.
When I was growing up, I was basically required to finish EVERYTHING on my plate, no matter how long it took. (“Clean Plate Club!”)
Thank you.
Really, if a cishet white Christian man isn’t there to see it, did it really happen?
PSA: Can we please not bring the trolls saying 'nothing ever happened!!!' out of the greys?! I know it's tempting to argue with them, but it's what they want.
Did Smollett or his lawyer actually say they said that? Because his story is being spread with a load of variations that didn’t come from anywhere except rumours.
Ms. Pleasant Woman doesn’t look all that thin. I didn’t know that Ye Olde Self Delusion Shoppe had a mirrors department.
A “genuine” racist? Exactly how does one establish the difference between genuine racists and amateur, unlicensed racists. Because as someone who works with the public, I can assure you that people engage in racist behavior driven by racist attitudes all the time without saying anything that most white people would…
This is a bad take
There was nothing triggering her, except for her need to demean 2 heavyset black people.
I think that woman would be triggered by absolutely anything. This has nothing to do with the size of the seats and everything to do with her being an abusive garbage person who moves through life looking for any opportunity to degrade other people while feeling self-righteously aggrieved.
The fact that THOSE are the cookies he chose as examples really bothers me. WTF, dude.
When I saw this headline I thought maybe the cookie said something cheesy with “build the wall” in it. Like cute flirty sarcasm. “Build the wall...around our hearts” or some other stupid thing that makes no sense but sounds romantic.
Can someone explain to right-wingers that “free speech” doesn’t mean others can’t comment on the stupid garbage you say and do?
Those are ugly cookies.
I mean, I don’t financially support Whoopi Goldberg, R. Kelly, or Chris Brown. I haven’t bought anything associated with Kanye West since like 2010. I have no idea who Travis Greene is.