I’m responding to say fuck you, because apparantly we’re going by “last word wins” rules or something.
I’m responding to say fuck you, because apparantly we’re going by “last word wins” rules or something.
Well, not needlesslessy killing several hundred thousands of your soldiers/citizens would have been a reason.
Seriously? I mean sure your average soldier probably thought they were fighting for their home and their freedom from an oppressive government... but the generals weren’t idiots. They knew what they were really fighting for and even more importantly they knew the kind of people they were fighting against.
The “Ulysseus S. Grant was a drunk!” was a storyline basically started by historians in the late 1800s chronicling the civil war and restoration periods. These folks (you know, the losing side, but they told the story, so....) are the ones who started the whole “Grant’s a drunk” narrative. They’re also the ones that…
From one of Lee’s own relatives:
If this lady is running around claiming to be a cop the real cops need to have a word with her. Last I checked impersonating an officer was an actual crime.
yes, the same kind of wretched, lying human being who got Emmet Till killed.
This blowsy, orange blowhard.
The child didn’t even touch her. The child’s BACKPACK touched her. Like, there is actual video evidence of this.
I like generals who DON’T lose.
We gave him a chance. He failed to rise to the occasion, and this was evident within 168 hours of the inauguration.
A child about 8-9 once grabbed my boob. Like deliberately. You know what I did? Not call the cops. Told him it was wrong and moved on. He wasn’t trying to sexually assault me, he thought it was funny. I told him it wasn’t okay, don’t do it again. Case closed.
Oh my GOD! That was DIVINE!
Have you seen this video of Titus literally singing Ursula??? I vote for him.
No. Anemia? Really? With the link I though you were linking to something that was involving a black eye or something. Stress and anemia that’s most certainly not a smoking gun. If that’s the case then I need to be compensated for the high blood pressure I’ve developed by having to deal with this country’s abuse and…
Dwayne Johnson “would” make an honorable choice for “JOHN HENRY”....he is a marvelous actor
It’s a genius plan; second only to my plan of never having kids.
If your kid is going to have their first puking hangover, better to have it in the comfort of their own home instead of curled up weeping in the corner of the dorm shower. Makes total sense.
Drunks are boring.
It’s good both that he’s been punished and he seems to understand what he did wrong.