
I would pay if it was a cool add on. If they charge for it they should the designer in on a percentage for each sale. It might be a new way to spot creative design talent. Reward those who deserve it!

I upgraded my 60GB to 320GB and threw linux on there just because I could. It has all the card inputs and plays PS2 titles... meanwhile my kids friends keep losing there 360's to the RROD. Come on MS, get a reliable product out there and I will buy it.

sounds like Hellgate: London really took them for a spin. They were counting on the cash to continue development.

this looks like a hodge-podge of fun! I can't wait.

looks interesting but why throw a distraction with the star wars stuff. it seems to lessen the impact of this game on it's own merits.

poetic justice!

waaaaah! quick - someone call a WAAAAAAmbulance!

very cool looking!

Vegas! I would check out the shows, play some table games and hang by the pool. Hotel Hoppin for sure!!!

when is this due out?


I love this game, but they should have thought this out a little better. Like how many users would try to do this at a time and can we handle that... hmmm - maybe we ahould test it!

makes sense to sharpen your teeth before you take a big bite!

I was so happy to hear about this unexpected game in the series. I look forward to playing it. I wonder if it will accompany some of the upgrades to the PS we have been hearing about.

if they had a Wii style motion remote PS2 would knock the CRAP out of Wii sales. The graphics are about on par with each other. the real difference is with the controls. hmmmmmm

this might be the reason for the Wii to take the stage again. It seemed they dropped off the radar for new gaming gimmicks.

can't the princess crush the bad guys with her phat ass super powers and bounce back to her castle? it sure would save time in the game play. maybe that will be a cheat.