
I got so worked up when they teased the 130R and never talked about it again. A mini camaro would be amazing, but im worried the lt1 and v6 wouldnt fit, and GM as far as I know has abysmal turbo 4s.

He told you what it was compared to, his 3 series.

Um...if you can drive a car you DEFINITELY fit in it. Unless you are operating from outside?

What? Obviously a 60 year old thinks that...cadillac was an old mans car her entire life. The brand renaissance doesn’t care about her, shes too far gone. You cant take 60 years of stigma and erase it.

Yeah I would love to own a kappa coupe one day. Im sure the last of the hardtops will hold their value well.

I wouldnt have made that remark about old BMWs but the commenter specifically is trying to claim that modern BMWs, including this 6 series, are not unreliable. And even older BMWs are still just passable. Good compared to their newer cars, but questionable compared to the same generation of Japanese cars.

Is that an official GM graphic?

Congrats, you are the one anecdote vs the many many BMW owners who admit that they drive them because they are fun despite the fact that they are horribly unreliable.

No, its for drivers that know how to drive on the highway without 10mph fluctuations in speed that ruin traffic flow for everyone. And drivers that like to not have to check the speedo to know they arent going to get pulled over on long country roads.

Why are you on an auto blog?

Well I used to drive a GTI on snow tires in the snow and now I drive an SUV and have used all terrains as well as snow tires and it was way, WAY better on both than the GTI. And all terrains are certainly not meant for snow.

Meh, I guess its not that far off as a comparison. Still, I live in a snowy area (not nearly as snowy as michigan) and I didnt have much trouble in an old lexus gs with snow tires. Some snow is just too much for an car, even awd with snow tires.

Thats definitely why. Jeep dealers sell most of theirs pre lifted around here on A/Ts.

Its the guys track car though

No, because if they are inclined to get awd to avoid the hassle of putting good tires on, that implies if they dont get awd they will put good tires on.

Is your awd winter car also a small light low sports sedan with relatively high torque? Or are you comparing an RWD ats to a subaru or something...

Dont really understand why they dont just make all the crossovers dodge and keep the Jeep brand pure with just the wrangler, new wrangler truck, and Grand Cherokee. They could maybe even brand them chryslers since they only have like 3 cars in their lineup now, but maybe Chrysler needs to be kept as the more upscale

I would agree if you left out reliability. Non wrangler jeeps are a maintenance nightmare. Also they only just now started to not have the worst interior in class.

Throwing away thousands of dollars on trading a brand new car in for a slightly more brand new car is more financially wise to you than eating the cost of some tires?

Case in point the FCA software on the zf 9 speed.