
I don’t care what they say, ignorance truly is bliss if you do it right.

Honestly I did genuinely forget he exists until this.

Any word on whether Sandusky will be furloughed to be a part of the festivities?

The ceremony will be held in the parking lot so everyone will have to look the other way.

Yeah but you’d think maybe they’d get exempted from the policy? Seems like they weren’t, if I read it right. Stupid policy, as you say, and even stupider enforcement of said policy.

I want to crowdsource a question I have about chelsea’s “process.”

Professional wisdom suggests that if this is advice you are considering, you should actually be having zero drinks at parties, and also everywhere else.

This is good advice. But it is hard to follow. Especially since I love drinks 3 and 4 most of all.

i’m honestly starting to get a little worried about him

Also, on July 12th be sure to pick up my tell all Bears: A Serial Listener Who Remembers, Like, a good 60% of what happened but only about 25% of the Names Involved but still makes “There’s a Shrimp Sale at the Crab Crib” Jokes.

+1 repressed desire. This comment is the best thing on Deadspin today.

Uh, so everyone at the Oscars is a working actor? Uh, OK... good to know. I guess we’re going to have to agree to disagree on this, but I got Rock’s point — and it was interesting he didn’t go into a sustained rant targeting Spike Lee (or Creed director Ryan Coogler who wasn’t in the room) at length, and comparing him

After the fact, I’m noticing a thread in Chris Rock’s performance last night—ridiculing Jada’s boycott of the Oscars, talking about Rihanna’s underwear, using Stacey Dash as a punchline, telling women not everything is sexist—seems like someone may have a small problem with women (particularly women of color) speaking

Like that time he mimicked the real life Django.

Well, aside from the fact that he seems to think only white and black people exist and that no other people of colour were worth mentioning. And then there’s that weird “not everything is sexism” moment he threw in at the end.

I guess in five years a comedian is going to make a joke about it and suddenly it will go viral

I’ve tried to make this argument before and peoel have accused me of “no true Scotsman”.

I feel you. I was for Obama in 08 and felt like HRC supporters didn’t appreciate as a woman I wasn’t all rah rah for her. Now this time around, I like Bernie, but am leaning more for Hillary (her time as Sec. of State made me see her in a new light) but I HATE this sexism from both candidates followers. I really,

So, every politician lies.... But there is this one candidate you can not move beyond that fact. jeez, what is different about this one .... gosh, you stumped me.

God, I can’t even with this. The impeachment, all of that was politics, it was business, it wasn’t personal. And there is no denying that even at the time he had respect (however reluctant) from many members of the GOP. Not to mention the fact that when he was President, every complaint leveled against him would also