A Winged Potato

Amway Con-air

Well since my favorite scores Arrival, The Neon Demon, and High Rise all weren't nominated I guess I'll just say La La Land for both as it seems like there are the two categories I'd be happy to see it win.

Flour and butter (not shortening) has always worked very well for me so I'm not really inclined to change. I'm far too nervous about disappointing people when I change out a recipe they have come to like and expect out of me to risk things.

Don't people say this every season after the premiere? No it is not back on track nor will it ever be back on track. The only tracks this show will ever be associated with again are railroad tracks.

It went from being a hilariously bad and enjoyable show to watch to a legitimately enjoyable show to watch and one of the better network shows out there. It's one of the few shows which I eagerly wait to see each week.

In an ironic twist, he will be replaced by Dave Chappelle.

Saw the Ghostbusters redo. It was fine though my biggest takeaway was how much I missed Other Space.

It's about the introduction or coumadin to that universe. Warfarin of the Planet of the Apes.

Nobody expects the Spanish island of Majorca.

He uses it for a shell game to hide from creditors. They never know which one he's hiding in.

Maybe this time they can focus on actually making something worth watching. Thankfully The Night Manager was rather good if carried largely by the acting.

Loo Wax

The actual title is mother! complete with all lower case which just makes me angry. I'm a huge Aronofsky fan but I can't defend that nonsense.

Hurricane Streets is a pretty solid movie. Then again Morgan Freeman the director is also one of the major people behind the 16 and Pregnant/Teen Mom franchises and directed the sequel to American Psycho 2 which negates any good work on that one film.

RIP John Hurt

It's the one where the dog repossess everyone.

Aww, I know her for the perfectly solid Starter for 10.

They have the director's cut to rent now and that is where I saw it from.

I've never seen the theatrical cut but the director's cut is fantastic and top 5 Ridley Scott.

Finished up The New Batman Adventures and while the art was mostly a huge downgrade and it was a bit more kid friendly especially in the early going, I still quite liked it and it had plenty of classic episodes. I also watched Catch Me If You Can which was quite good, The Towering Inferno which was better than