
never go full wrangler. 

The said they wanted the full Wrangler experience...

Hey Kid, wanna buy some head gaskets? 

1. Close eyes

I mean do I really need to explain to you the difference between a privilege and a right? A right is something that cannot be legally denied (though there are circumstances in which we do deny rights, to criminals for example), a privilege is something that isn’t automatically granted and can be rescinded.

Cool. But why are you “proud” of owning a gun? I’m not proud of owning my television, my toaster, or my gun.

He should say that the other driver was Antifa.  DeSantis will pardon him.

The “arms” in the US Constitution were single-shot black-powder muzzle-loaders that could fire one shot every 45 seconds in skilled hands. The idea that everyone who isn’t a felon can have an AR-15 or a semi-automatic handgun without a reason or a background check is not in the Constitution, and 80% of the country

I support ultra-strict gun control precisely because of guys like this. Anyone who thinks they need a gun is someone who probably shouldn’t be allowed to have one.

“It’s in the Constitution!” So was slavery and prohibiting women from voting and several other things that didn’t work out like Prohibition which came and went.

Hey, it ain’t cheap to maintain Steve Bannon’s friend’s yacht.

If you believe in gun rights then you’re part of the problem. You enable people like this to get their hands on firearms. All the people with guns you argue your guns are to protect you from? You enable them to get their hands on firearms too. You create the problem you claim your gun is there to solve. If you were

My right-wing brother lives in an exclusive waterfront community of seven-figure homes but owns a military-grade AR for home protection. I guess in case neighbor comes to steal his Jimmy Buffett CDs.

Call it a “Freedom Wall”, a “Patriot Wall”, or a “Trump Wall”, and tens of thousands of idiots would definitely pump money into the Go Fund Me for it.

can we just take a moment to appreciate that this guy’s last name is Popper?

I am more and more convinced that owning firearms shouldn’t be easy. We are long overdue to reconsider the 2nd Amendment.

Twenty-thousand percent agree with this. Thinking of my rural, highly-armed relatives in flyover states and their Guns, just chomping at the bit to take down intruders. There’s basically no crime where they live (and barely any people), or at least nothing like home invasions & murders. But damned if they’re not preppe

Let freedom (and tinnitus) ring.

Huh. His initial reaction is so opposite to my own highly disproportionate, unreasonable, irrational levels of road rage that I’m genuinely confused. Lord knows I have an awful temper driving, I take everything personally, and I spend lots of calories turning beet red, screaming at folks for everything from failing to

Ah yes, a member of America’s well regulated militia doing God’s work on the highways of Florida.