
Is she one of those good guys with guns? or the bad ones? I just do not see a sign making it clear.

There was a 29 second add to watch the video.

the smog occasionally impenetrable”...This was true in LA in the 60s and 70s. It really doesn’t apply anymore, thanks to the Clean Air Act and catalytic converters. I live in north LA where I the ANgeles Crest mountains clearly every day. I’ve experienced smog 10x thicker in some Asian cities.

I hate that the policy in America for guns is “You can easily get them until you prove you shouldn’t have them, then it’s a bit harder”. People seem to go big when they show the world that they shouldn’t own a gun, and by then it’s often too late.

In LA traffic?  Probably.

every major city needs a congestion fee during rush hour. there is no fucking reason for everyone who works together and lives in the same neighborhood to be driving separately. and we def need to penalize call centers that make people come in instead of letting them work from home. there are millions of cars on the

I know mental health episode seems likely... but how does someone with mental health issues get a gun? I thought there was proper screening and background checks.

It’s a white woman in a BMW. So... is this the “good guy with a gun” scenario I’ve been hearing about? I assume she’s a legal and licensed gun owner that has had proper training and background checks, right?

What engine is in that?   V8, I take it.   I'd like to hear from a Jalop who has the turbo 4 w 1le pckg.  Sounds fun with manual.

It’s a common problem in sales, and choices in general.

I am always looking at a possible replacement (if I must due to my DD being T-boned) for my ‘13 Chevy Sonic hatch stick. The Elantra GT hatchback is no more in 2021. Give me a hatchback with three pedals and an upscale interior...That is becoming a unicorn in the USA in 2021.

It sucks that the small coupe market is dead. You figured that single people or childless couples would be interested in cars like the Veloster but weirdly are buying family crossover suvs. 

Oh man, is that why they’re so hard to find?

how coincidental that i took this at sunset yesterday :(

Of course there’s a toxicology report. Tiger had surgery. They didn’t just wheel him into the operating room and say, “hey hope he hasn’t taken any drugs that could kill him during this operation, let’s cut!”

When I drove an ambulance in VA we were told, in no uncertain terms, that if we collided with something when proceeding through an intersection code 3 (lights and sirens) and the traffic signals were not in our favor it was our fault. No ifs ands or buts.  We did provide the municipal 911 service, but were not city

The only American car, new or used, I’d even consider buying is the Chevy SS. And that’s not even American.

Getting my first vaccine shot tomorrow. Called and they said I was the first appointment on Friday. Guess that’s the good part of living in the red part of California.

1st gear: Good for them. It’s nice to see a company actually put work into making their products better and said products selling well. I’d like to see the Koreans try a sports car. Not something like the Stinger, I mean like something to compete with stuff like the Boxster and Corvette.