
The problem is no one thinks of Chrysler as premium. If you asked people which is more premium, expensive or quality, Chrysler or Jeep? Their answer would be Jeep everyday. I don’t think it’s worth it.

I see your cockpit and raise you a poop deck.

I honestly hadn’t even considered Mercedes possibly quitting F1, but I always sorta figured Hamilton would retire after beating Schumi’s record. Even with all the championships, fame and other accolades, I suppose lapping everyone but your teammate and Max most GP weekends can get boring after a while.

I’m a big fan of modern LED headlights, especially when well-designed and distinctive.

the Bugatti Galibier Concept

Man, I really miss Cadillac’s “Art & Science” theme—the origami look with the sharp creases everywhere. Now the Cadillacs are as meh-rounded as the other sedans still left on the market—so dull.

Two things, real quick.

I’ve got a camera rear view mirror in my Bolt and its awesome. The first couple of days take adjustment, it now it feels natural. The angle is much wider, I dont have to worry about backseat passengers/headrests/cargo, and I no longer have to re-adjust the angle every time my wife drives it.

I have this system in my garage. Using it is a physical workout and you get to work on being smooth on the bike. There is no gyro-force pushing you into the seat, when you are leaned over, but I’m a novice track day guy and I don’t notice much a difference when leaned over. The big difference is braking and

Sir, this is an Arby’s.

Hm. So you want Bad Ideas. Something that can replace a 4Runner. I admit, a Viper is a good idea. A sensible package of insane horsepower. Let’s... push the envelope a bit.

My problem with a gas tax is simple. It’s regressive. example at work:

If you’re putting all your eggs in one basket, putting them in a basket that’s biometrically authenticated, hardware encrypted, GPS trackable, and remotely wipeable basket isn’t the worst basket you can find.

The amount of aggro from the didn’t-read-the-article-made-a-comment-anyway crowd is through the roof today.

Says the guys who didn’t buy a Kia Stinger but are clearly the demographic for what you say you “want”.

It was probably the A3-4-6-8-12-14-something. But be probably had a 2.0L turbo engine.

*crosses finger*

With just about every manufacturer obsessed with coining a corporate face and striving for predictable, tedious design consistency across their entire fleet, I can’t overstate how refreshing it is to see Hyundai forge this path of making wildly unique cars.