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    Look out! Here come the Nazis!

    I got a friend that uses this every day! And he's never been cleaner inside!

    Maybe they'll find some ancient communication stones in there and travel out to SG-U? Hope not!

    So where's the freebie that will split large MP3 files using markers and automatically name them (like WaveLab does)? My poor old WaveLab does not work on Windows 7 :-(.

    @shevralay: Oops missed this before posting my comment above. I agree Magic Eraser cleans stuff i never thought possible. Don't know how it works - It's "magic"!

    Mr. Clean Magic Eraser works wonders on EVERYTHING!

    Oh crap! You have got to be kidding?

    @Terry: Pen tool rules!

    @ArTech: Agree! It's fitting in my pocket like an old friend right now. And when it vibrates - even better!

    Hey! Where's my cute little HTC Aria? I love it (not fond of Samsung products)!

    Do Clone Wars in 3D instead! At least we have the technology to convert those! Maybe?

    @ixel: There might have been an abridged version in one of the SF mags of the day. If I can remember I'll ask him.

    Handbrake was great for my Aria! great picture and easy to use!

    Hendrix + Science Fiction?

    @rtwod2: I just KNEW someone would bring this up! LOL!

    @kettlewhistle: Just remember that your new 32" TV won't be the same screen size as your old one (if it was also 32"). If you want to keep it close to the same size go for a 37" at least. I had to make quite a case to my wife before she understood this!
