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    @LittleDragon: I just hope we don't get to see Officer Dangles "dangles" in zero -G!


    I use MS Office, but only because I get special offers through my work - Like Office 2010 Enterprise Edition for $9.95! SWEET!

    Good for sites requiring a junk e-mail address. GMail rules!

    WPrinter Lite! Change it on the fly in your taskbar (right-click, select printer) as needed.

    Folder Size (integrates with Explorer)! Much easier to see at a glance than running a separate program!

    This is fast and quick (faster than OO Draw) and beats the heck out of Visio for exporting file formats you can actually use!

    TagScanner! TagScanner! TagScanner! I've told you this beofre. Now get with it! It is not all manual. Did I mention there's also a portable version?


    VOTE: Acronis

    A separate service like everything they do (Groups, etc.) would be a lot better!

    And keep the power plugs in (or use those childproof caps). Air can come through those holes too!

    Ouch! Maybe hide them in PVC pipe painted to match the baseboards but not this! May be for the girl's room . . .

    That personas thing is pretty wicked! I may not get any work done today while I'm playing with that!

    Lets get a few add-ons updated folks!

    Gets our guitar player to realizing how f*cking loud he is and gets him to turn down (a little)!

    And don't forget to clean out those leaves/debris from the outdoor unit coil (Air Conditioner or Heat Pump) from time to time too to save even more money!

    Damn! I missed it. Oh well, I'll try and catch it the next time it comes around!

    Tried it - Dumped it almost immediately!