
I just went from having zero interest in this game to wanting to play it. Well done.

You shut your fucking goddamn mouth! That wolf will outlive the whole MGS universe! ALL OF IT!!!!

Because Microsoft sucks, and Japan realizes it.

February's pretty stuffed already. Witcher 3, Evolve, The Order, Battlefield, maybe Bloodborne....

Everyone: "The Last Guardian!"

Just a reminder that any comments involving threats and other personal attacks will be removed.

Uh, I believe dirt was already used as a weapon in Assassin's Creed II, it wouldn't be a new weapon.

Well great. Looks like I'm going to be buying a PS4 now.

It is too bad that Microsoft aren't supporting XNA any more. It is a great SDK for making games, and easy to get in and learn with. These days I would definitely recommend Unity though. It uses C# which is a great language and close to your experience with Java and XNA. Another HUGE benefit to Unity is its asset

Game Maker Studio, Unity, or UE4 are good paths to start with, in my opinion. :)

Full blown Pokémon game on the Wii U. GIVE IT TO ME NOW!

Well, there that is. To the surprise of very few.

What a great time to be an RPG fan. You got DA:I not looking terrible at all and TW3 looking awesome as expected.

Thank you for the welcome.

Of all the indies shown today, this and Rime seems the most ambitious.

It's over 10 million sold to consumers.

This is no where near the same thing

You're not a very smart consumer are you?

Should pay more attention to your newlywed wife...

That's 10 million potential sales that SE lost of Tomb Raider.